Some of the
teachers, who used to draw their salary regularly, were never found in college
compound. Others who did not have much influence on administration had to come
in the college but did not bother about the overall improvement of the
students. None seemed to have any commitment as teachers. Even they used to
help students to take unfair means in the public examinations. It pained me a
lot and I prayed to Almighty so that I would get a job where I could serve
properly and could make my life meaningful.
I applied
for a number of jobs and was appearing for written and viva tests one after
another. One day I got the joining letter from the Chairman, Governing Bodies, Bangladesh Cadet
Colleges asking me to join as a
lecturer of English in Mirzapur
Cadet College
before 26th
October, 1991 . My result of M.A. was yet to be published. I joined
there accordingly and found Syed Salimullah as the Principal, who was the
chairman in my viva board. The work place was exactly what I always bore in my

As my home
district is Rajshahi, my attachment with my family members and relatives grew
stronger. After few days I was made OIC of officers’ club. I used to arrange
cultural function very often. The children of the campus were well trained;
they could present a show with a very short preparation. My friend Nazrul was
also transferred there and our gossip went on in full swing. We had trips in
different places; we had also river cruise. We even dared to cross the Padma by
swimming, ofcourse in dry season. Mr. Aminul Islam, Mr. Nurul Islam, Mr.
Kayser, Mr. Manirul Islam, Mr. Habubur Rahman and many others were in our team.
The most important time we passed at the tenure of Principal Lt. Col. Rezaul Alam, who
was from engineering corps. He had also MBA degree. Being inspired by him Mr.
Zahid and I started doing MBA under Open University. Our Principal helped us
with his rich collection of books. He also inspired us to take classes with
multimedia projectors. He himself showed us how to take class with PowerPoint
presentation. He instructed all teachers
to make slides on their subjects. Thus we had a good collection of slides. Then
all the computers were taken under network system. Result Sheets, Assessment
Form which had been written manually by the teachers after giving three or four
days labor, were then prepared by a computer application/software within twenty
minutes. The application/ software was prepared by Mr. Mafiz, a lecturer of
Physics. Form Masters used to input the marks and comments; House Master,
Medical Officer, Adjutant and Principal posted their comments from their
computers and final complete Result Sheets and Assessment Reports were printed
from Vice Principal’s office. The Assessment Reports were signed by the
concerned people just after result meeting. So it was possible to hand over
Assessment Reports to the cadets at the time of departure in every term. I was
also in charge of language lab which was a great attraction for the cadets. I used to download
audio clip and handouts from www.bbclearninenglish.com and used those in the lab.

I want to
remember with great respect Principal Lt. Col. Foyzul Islam, who was very sincere, sober and skilled as an
administrator. He also made me OIC, cadet mess and told, ‘I want to give my
authority to you to run the mess.’ After few months he called me and asked
about my career as he was going for promotion meeting. After some enquiries, he
said to me, ‘the person like you should get promotion.’ After coming from
promotion meeting, he informed me of the good news. Then I was transferred to
Joypurhat Girls’ Cadet
College as an Assistant
Girls’ Cadet College has occupied abandoned
properties and buildings of cement factory and renovated those for the use of
cadets and officials. Principal Abu Syed Biswas, a man of action, was sent as
the founding Principal. I got him as Vice-Principal and subsequently as
Principal in Rajshahi Cadet
College . As it is a new
cadet college, those who had been posted here were skilled and devoted. I was
really astonished to see how the cadets, officers and employees were properly
tuned up. Development work was going on in every sector. Computer lab, language
lab, library were getting enriched. We also founded a school in the campus for
the children of campus and surrounding areas. The role of Major Jubaer,
ex-adjutant, should be remembered. Actually we all were in a creative mood.
After the retirement of Mr. Abu Syed Biswas, came Princpal SM Jamshed Ali,
whom I found in Rajshahi Cadet
College as my House Master. Now under his leadership we are
working relentlessly for the overall improvement of the college. Recently this
college has become jointly champion in Inter Girls’ Cadet College Sports Meet.
The results of JSC, SSC and HSC are also outstanding.
Here we are
all in bondage of brotherhood. All are committed to their profession. I am
lucky that I have got such friendly colleagues to stay in this lovely